Welcome to PiXEND PRO.
PiXEND PRO is a complete online solution for photographers, photolabs, eventorganiser, ...
Start your 30 day free trial todayPiXEND PRO is a complete online solution for photographers, photolabs, eventorganiser, ...
Start your 30 day free trial todayResults from customersurvey of 25/01/2017.
Setup an album, upload photos and let customers order. You choose if it's password protected or not, what variations (color, black&white, sepia), what finishes (glossy or not),...
Per album you can choose one or more payment methods: wiretransfer, paypal or creditcards.
You insert the formats you sell, and the prices you sell them for. You can also configure downloads if needed.
Set your own promotions, how much, how long and where can they use the discount codes.
The application is responsive to provide an optimal viewing and interaction experience. It can be viewed on smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop.
PiXEND PRO is a webapplication, so no installation required. Automatically you'll always be upgraded to the latest version.
You can adjust all settings and see all orders come in. You're in control of everything.
At any wedding, a lot of photos are taken. And normally only the bride and groom get to see these and order. That's only two people...
So, if you hand out cards to everybody of the family with the album and password on it, all those people will be able to order prints.
And the more people that can see those photos, the more orders you'll get.
Nice experience. They listen to our proposals, and they regularly do updates. Pleasant cooperation - Interstudio
A must-have for the pro photographer - Yves Nevens Photography
We are very happy with PiXEND PRO. Since we started working with it, the backorders have about quadrupled. - Foto Wilga
Since some years I use the software of PIXEND PRO. It allows me to simply and quickly show my photos to my customers. - Colson Photography
Besides a renewed responsive layout there are lots of new features added to out software. Some examples:
- Downloads are now possible. The order will be offered in a zip file
- Automatic recognition of rectangle or square photos
- New online payments via mollie
- A completely redesigned administrative backend
- ...
Lokeren - Belgium
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